Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ahh! that word peace... many have beautiful ways to put it, but they still seem to leave us with the negative idea that peace is the absence of trouble. But its not! The concept of peace that Jesus spoke of enables believers to remain calm in the most wildly fearful circumstances. It enables them to hush a cry, still a riot, rejoice in pain and trial, and sing in the middle of suffering. This peace is never by circumstances, but instead affects and even overrules them. The biblical concept of peace does not focus on the absence of trouble. Biblical peace is unrelated to circumstances; it is a goodness of life that is not touched by what happens on the outside. You may be in the midst of great trials and still have biblical peace. Paul said he could be content in any circumstance; and he demonstrated that he had peace even in the jail at Philippi, where he sang and remained confident that God was being gracious to him. Then when the opportunity arose, he communicated God's goodness to the Philippian jailer, and brought him and his family to salvation (understanding). Likewise, James wrote, "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials" (James 1:2). The New Testament speaks of two kinds of peace--the objective peace that has to do with your relationship to God, and the subjective peace that has to do with your experience in life. We lack that peace with God. We all come into the world fighting against God, because we are a part of the rebellion that started with long ago. But when we realize what Jesus Christ came to say and do, we cease being enemies of God- Most of us want a peace that governs the present, with no unsatisfied desires gnawing at our hearts. We want a peace that holds promise for the future, where no unannounced fear of the unknown or from dark tomorrow that threatens. The only peace this world can know is shallow and unfulfilling. Most people's pursuit of peace is only an attempt to get away from problems. That is why people seek peace through alcohol, drugs, or other forms of escapism. The fact is, apart from God, there is no real peace in this world. The peace of putting your blinders on, of going to bed and forgetting it, is fleeting and worthless. And yet people try desperately to hold on to this kind of FAKE peace. It is futile pursuit. Godless individuals can never know true peace. They might know only a momentary tranquility--a shallow feeling, perhaps stimulated by positive circumstances mixed with a lot of ignorance. In fact, if unsaved people knew what destiny awaited them without God, the illusion of peace borne out of ignorance would evaporate instantly. The world's peace doesn't exist. People today live in a constant state of not understand their own being, they don't know who they are, where are going, or what they do when they get there--if they get there. Do you have a problem, or a decision to make? Let the piece of what Christ intended for us to learn make peace for us in that decision for you. If you have created a planned action in good intentions, you can move ahead with God's will-- but if you feel you have to try to rationalize your decision; you may find it makes good sense from the rational point of view. But it rob your soul of rest and peace. Peace real understanding of peace govern our behaviors. Peace creates a well of love and a filler in the gap of doubt to belief that its all possible, we just wait on and be able to see the prompts from the Universe. Don't escape or run away, because you will run full circle to the same issue. Stop gain the understanding of peace, then move forward! Peace ya'll